Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶)
产品编号 P2282-0.5ml
¥ 599.00
0.5ml 2ml 10ml

碧云天生产的Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶),也称Anti-Flag IP Gel、Anti-Flag免疫沉淀凝胶或Anti-Flag琼脂糖凝胶,由高质量的单克隆鼠源Flag抗体与琼脂糖共价偶联而成,可与常规蛋白表达系统(如哺乳动物细胞、细菌或酵母)中含有Flag标签的蛋白结合,从而用于带有Flag标签的融合蛋白或蛋白复合物的免疫沉淀(Immunoprecipitation, IP)或纯化。

Flag标签(Flag-tag)、Myc标签(Myc-tag)、HA标签(HA-tag)、His标签(His-tag)和GST标签(GST-tag)等是表达载体上最常见的一些标签,通过与这些标签的融合表达可以非常方便地检测目的蛋白及与目的蛋白相互结合的蛋白,也可以非常方便地用于目的蛋白的纯化。Flag-tag是8个氨基酸残基(DYKDDDDK)组成的多肽,常用的形式有Flag和3X Flag,通过基因重组技术把Flag-tag的核酸序列与目的基因的5’端或3’端连接,就可以最终表达形成Flag-tag的目的蛋白。Flag-tag具有以下优点:Flag-tag通常不会与目的蛋白相互作用,并且大多数情况下不会影响目的蛋白的功能;Flag-tag作为标签蛋白,后续通过Flag抗体(AF519/AF2852)Anti-Flag磁珠(P2115)Anti-Flag亲和凝胶(P2271/P2282)即可对目的基因的表达、定位及功能进行检测或对目的蛋白进行纯化、免疫沉淀或免疫共沉淀等;融合在N端的Flag标签,可被肠激酶(Enterokinase, EK)切除(DDDK),从而得到完美的没有标签的目的蛋白。基于以上优点,Flag标签已被广泛应用于蛋白表达、纯化、鉴定、相互作用和功能等多方面的研究。

Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶),也被称为Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Gel/Beads/Resin或Anti-DYKDDDDK IP Gel/Beads/Resin,可特异性地结合Flag标签融合蛋白,广泛应用于带有Flag标签的融合蛋白或蛋白复合物的免疫沉淀或纯化等实验。

本产品有较高的融合蛋白结合量、特异性强:每ml纯凝胶(settled gel)含有约8mg Flag抗体,可结合约1mg融合蛋白,且特异性强,非特异的杂蛋白结合少。





Cat. No. P2282 P2271
Product name Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶)
Product content 50% settled gel in 50% glycerol with 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline and preservative (pH7.4) 50% settled gel in TBS with preservative (pH7.6)
Matrix 4% agarose 4% cross-linked agarose
Average bead size ~90μm
Antibody Mouse monoclonal antibody against Flag-tag
Isotype IgG2b
M.W. of antibody Approximately 150kDa
Antibody concentration Approximately 8mg Flag antibody per ml settled gel
Binding capacity Approximately 1mg Flag-tagged protein per ml settled gel
Elution method Acid, alkaline, neutral, peptide competitive or SDS-PAGE loading buffer elution. Note: If elute with SDS-PAGE loading buffer, the light (~25kDa) and heavy (~50kDa) chain of antibody will be denatured and release from the gel.
Reagent compatibility Chaotropic reagents will denature the target Flag-tagged protein. Do not exceed 0.3M GuHCl or 1.5M Urea.
Application Suitable for IP、Co-IP and protein purification.
Storage -20℃ 4℃


产品编号 产品名称 包装
P2282-0.5ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2282-2ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2282-10ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 10ml
说明书 1份






蛋白样品收集后宜尽快完成纯化工作,并应始终放置在4℃或冰浴,以减缓蛋白降解或变性。为有效抑制蛋白降解,可以在蛋白样品中添加适量的蛋白酶抑制剂混合物,例如碧云天的P1005/P1006蛋白酶抑制剂混合物(通用型)P1048/P1049蛋白酶磷酸酶抑制剂混合物(通用型, 质谱兼容, 50X)P1010/P1011蛋白酶抑制剂混合物(哺乳动物样品抽提用, 100X)P1050/P1051蛋白酶磷酸酶抑制剂混合物(哺乳动物样品抽提用, 50X)等,或P1025/P1026蛋白酶抑制剂混合物(细菌抽提用)





a.选择合适的裂解液,用于制备细胞或组织的裂解液。优先推荐选择碧云天生产的P0013 Western及IP细胞裂解液用于细胞或组织样品的裂解。根据特定的实验目的,如有必要,也可以使用碧云天生产的P0013B RIPA裂解液(强)P0013C RIPA裂解液(中)P0013D RIPA裂解液(弱)用于样品的制备。如果使用自行配制的或其它公司生产的裂解液,需要确保裂解液的pH为6-8。
2.Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶)的准备。
由于Anti-Flag Affinity Gel储存在含50%甘油的保护液中,所以需要在加入样品前适当洗涤。
a.轻轻重悬Anti-Flag Affinity Gel,尽量形成均匀的凝胶悬液,按照通常每100μl细胞裂解液中加入20μl混合均匀的凝胶悬液(以下免疫沉淀法中都以20μl凝胶悬液为例),取适量Anti-Flag Affinity Gel至一洁净离心管中(FTUB015),加入1X TBS (ST661/ST665)至最终体积为约0.5ml。注:使用大孔径吸头(如用剪刀剪去部分吸头)吸取凝胶悬液会比较方便。
b.轻轻重悬Anti-Flag Affinity Gel,6000×g在4℃离心30秒,小心去除上清,不要吸到凝胶。重复上述步骤两次。
c.按照初始体积的量,用1X TBS (ST661/ST665)重悬Anti-Flag Affinity Gel。
3.免疫沉淀(Immunoprecipitation, IP)。
1)加入凝胶与孵育。按照每100μl蛋白样品加入20μl凝胶悬液的比例加入Anti-Flag Affinity Gel,置于侧摆摇床或旋转混合仪上,4℃孵育1-2小时。如需提高结合效率,可4℃孵育过夜。
3)洗涤。加入500μl的1X TBS,轻轻重悬Anti-Flag Affinity Gel,冰浴并置于摇床上5分钟,然后6000×g在4℃离心30秒,小心去除上清,不要吸到凝胶。重复洗涤三次。样品置于冰上用于洗脱。
1)3X Flag竞争洗脱法:本方法为非变性法,洗脱效率高,且洗脱后的蛋白保持原有的生物活性,便于后续分析检测。
a.3X Flag多肽洗脱液的配制:取适量3X Flag多肽(P9801)溶解于1X TBS中,使其终浓度为150μg/ml,或稀释5mg/ml的3X Flag多肽溶液(P9801)至150μg/ml。
b.每20μl原始凝胶悬液体积,加入100μl 3X Flag多肽洗脱液(150μg/ml),混匀后置于侧摆摇床或旋转混合仪上,室温摇晃孵育30-60分钟,或4℃孵育1-2小时。为了提高洗脱效率,可延长孵育时间或重复洗脱。3X Flag多肽洗脱液体积一般为凝胶悬液的5倍。
a.溶液的配制:酸性洗脱液(0.1M Glycine-HCl, pH3.0),中和液(0.5M Tris-HCl, pH7.4, 1.5M NaCl)。
注2:由于目的蛋白的差异可能对酸性洗脱法的洗脱效率有一定的影响,如果对洗脱效率的要求比较高,可对酸性洗脱液的pH在2.5-3.1之间进行一定的调整,相应的中和液的pH值或量也要进行一定的调整,例如100μl酸性洗脱液(0.1M Glycine-HCl, pH2.8)和15μl中和液(1M Tris-HCl, pH8.5)。
a.SDS-PAGE上样缓冲液的配制:可以直接使用碧云天生产的P0015B SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液(2X),但含有DTT等还原剂,用该上样缓冲液洗脱得到的样品中含有Flag抗体的轻链和重链。也可以自行参考《分子克隆》等配制不含DTT的2X SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液。
b.每20μl原始凝胶悬液体积,加入20μl 2X SDS-PAGE上样缓冲液,95℃加热5分钟。
Problem Possible Causes Solution
Large amount of tagged protein found in the flow through. Binding time is not enough. If using batch method, increase the binding time experimentally; If using column method, use a lower flow rate when loading samples.
Column is overloaded. Reduce the amount of the sample added to the gel or increase the amount of gel.
Tag is not accessible to gel. Expose the epitope tag by adding low amount of denaturant to the protein extract (dialysis may be needed before applying onto gel), or fuse the tag to the other terminus of the target protein.
Gel has not been regenerated since last purification. Perform gel regeneration procedure prior to binding.
Reagent compatibility problem. Dialyze the sample against TBS before purification procedure.
The target protein has been degraded. 1.Prepare fresh lysates. Avoid using frozen lysates.
2.Perform purification at lower temperature, such as 4℃.
3.Use appropriate protease inhibitors in the lysate or increase their concentrations to prevent degradation of the fusion protein.
Very few or no tagged protein exists in the eluate. Protein is not completely eluted. Change elution methods.
No target protein expressed. Make sure the protein of interest contains the tag by Western blot or dot blot analyses.
Very low protein expression level. 1.Use larger volume of cell lysate.
2.Optimize expression conditions to raise the protein expression level.
Washes are too stringent. 1.Reduce the number of washes.
2.Avoid adding high concentrations of NaCl to the mixture.
3.Use solutions that contain less or no detergent
Incubation times are inadequate. Increase the incubation times with the affinity gel (from several hours to overnight).
Interfering substance is present in sample. 1.Lysates containing high concentrations of DTT, 2-mercaptoethanol, or other reducing agents may destroy antibody function, and must be avoided.
2.Excessive detergent concentrations may interfere with the antibody-antigen interaction. Detergent levels in buffers may be reduced by dilution.
Detection system is inadequate. If Western blot detection is used:
1.Check primary and secondary antibodies using proper controls to confirm binding and reactivity.
2.Verify that the transfer was adequate by staining the membrane with Ponceau S.
3.Use fresh detection substrate or try a different detection system.
Multiple protein bands found in the eluate. The protein is not stable at room temperature. Purify the target protein at lower temperature, such as 4℃.
Protein degradation due to proteases activity during purification process. Add protease inhibitors to cell lysate.
Non-specific binding. 1.Prepare cell lysate again.
2.Add additional wash steps.
Background is too high. Proteins bind nonspecifically to the monoclonal antibody, the gel beads, or the microcentrifuge tubes. 1.Pre-clear lysate with Mouse IgG-Agarose (P2055+A7028) to remove nonspecific binding proteins.
2.After suspending beads for the final wash, transfer entire sample to a clean microcentrifuge tube before centrifugation.
Washes are insufficient. 1.Increase the number of washes.
2.Prolong duration of the washes, incubating each wash for at least 15 minutes.
3.Increase the salt and/or detergent concentrations in the wash solutions.
4.Centrifuge at lower speed to avoid nonspecific trapping of denatured proteins from the lysate during the initial centrifugation of the affinity gel complexes.
产品编号 产品名称 包装
P2006 Protein A Agarose (Fast Flow, 进口分装) 2ml
P2009 Protein G Agarose (Fast Flow, 进口分装) 2ml
P2012 Protein A+G Agarose (Fast Flow, 进口分装) 2ml
P2051-2ml Protein A Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 2ml
P2051-10ml Protein A Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 10ml
P2051-50ml Protein A Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 50ml
P2053-2ml Protein G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 2ml
P2053-10ml Protein G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 10ml
P2053-50ml Protein G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 50ml
P2055-2ml Protein A+G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 2ml
P2055-10ml Protein A+G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 10ml
P2055-50ml Protein A+G Agarose (Fast Flow, for IP) 50ml
P2265 Mouse IgG Agarose (小鼠IgG琼脂糖凝胶) 1ml/5ml
P2267 Rabbit IgG Agarose (兔IgG琼脂糖凝胶) 1ml/5ml
P2271-0.5ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2271-2ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2271-10ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 10ml
P2282-0.5ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2282-2ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2282-10ml Anti-Flag Affinity Gel (Anti-Flag亲和凝胶) 10ml
P2285-0.5ml Anti-Myc Affinity Gel (Anti-Myc亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2285-2ml Anti-Myc Affinity Gel (Anti-Myc亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2285-10ml Anti-Myc Affinity Gel (Anti-Myc亲和凝胶) 10ml
P2287-0.5ml Anti-HA Affinity Gel (Anti-HA亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2287-2ml Anti-HA Affinity Gel (Anti-HA亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2287-10ml Anti-HA Affinity Gel (Anti-HA亲和凝胶) 10ml
P2289-0.5ml Anti-V5 Affinity Gel (Anti-V5亲和凝胶) 0.5ml
P2289-2ml Anti-V5 Affinity Gel (Anti-V5亲和凝胶) 2ml
P2289-10ml Anti-V5 Affinity Gel (Anti-V5亲和凝胶) 10ml
1. Tanxiu Chen, Hao Yang, Penghui Liu, Moliduer Hamiti, Xintian Zhang, Yi Xu, Wenqi Quan, Yong Zhang, Wenhai Yu, Li Jiao, Tingfu Du, Juemin Xi, Bin Yin, Wei Zhou, Shuaiyao Lu, Xiaozhong Peng
Virol Sin. doi: 10.1016/j.virs.2022.12.005.
2. Mei Huang, Hanghui Zheng, Weixiong Tan, Chengwei Xiang, Niran Fang, Wenting Xie, Lianghai Wen, Dingxiang Liu, Ruiai Chen
Int J Mol Sci. doi: 10.3390/ijms24119316.
3. Fan-Zhu Meng, Zuo-Qian Wang, Mei Luo, Wen-Kai Wei, Liang-Fen Yin, Wei-Xiao Yin, Guido Schnabel, Chao-Xi Luo
PLoS Pathog. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011011.
4. Yunyi Liu, Bei Hu, Xiaming Pei, Juan Li, Dan Qi, Yuxi Xu, Hailong Ou, Yatao Wu, Lei Xue, Jason H Huang, Erxi Wu, Xiaoxiao Hu
Adv Healthc Mater. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202300791.