碧云天生产的Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) (EC,也称Recombinant Human NADPH-cytochrome P450 Reductase或Recombinant Human NADPH-cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase,缩写为POR、rhPOR、P450R、rhP450R、CYPOR或CPR等,中文名为重组人NADPH细胞色素P450还原酶或重组人NADPH细胞色素P450氧化还原酶,是由碧云天自主研发的PerfectProtein™技术平台通过大肠杆菌表达、纯化获得的一种酶,具体信息如下。
Species | Gene ID | Accession | Source | MW | Tag |
Human | 5447 | P16435.2 | E. coli | 97.4kDa | GST |
About this protein | |
Name | Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant); Recombinant Human NADPH-cytochrome P450 Reductase; Recombinant Human NADPH-cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase; 重组人NADPH细胞色素P450还原酶; 重组人NADPH细胞色素P450氧化还原酶。 |
Synonyms | POR; CPR; CYPOR; P450R; rhPOR; rhP450R. |
Purity | >95% by SDS-PAGE; no detectable DNase, RNase and phosphatase. |
Activity | >3000U/μg |
Physical Appearance | Liquid |
Formulation | 1 mg/ml in 50mM Potassium phosphate (pH7.6 @ 25ºC), 1mM DTT, 50% glycerol. |
Endotoxin | N.A. |
Category | Metabolic enzyme |
Background | Human cytochrome P450 Reductase is an endoplasmic reticulum membrane oxidoreductase that is essential for multiple metabolic processes, including reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P450 proteins for metabolism of steroid hormones, drugs and xenobiotics. The encoded protein has a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-binding domain and a flavodoxin-like domain which bind two cofactors, FAD and FMN, that allow it to donate electrons directly from NADPH to all microsomal P450 enzymes. Mutations in this gene cause a complex set of disorders, including apparent combined P450C17 and P450C21 deficiency, amenorrhea and disordered steroidogenesis, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Antley-Bixler syndrome, that resemble those caused by defects in steroid metabolizing enzymes such as aromatase, 21-hydroxylase, and 17 alpha-hydroxylase. |
Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant)是一种包含三个结构域的双黄素蛋白(Diflavin protein),全长蛋白通过N端疏水性结构域锚定在内质网膜上,中间为FMN (Flavin mononucleotide)结合结构域(FMN-binding domain),C端为FAD (Flavin adenine dinucleotide)/NADPH结合结构域(FAD/NADPH-binding domain) [1, 2]。
细胞色素P450 (Cytochrome P450)属于单加氧酶(Monooxygenase)超家族,是一种含血红素(Heme)的蛋白,其主要功能是催化有机化合物的氧化[3]。Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant)可以将电子从NADPH转移到Cytochrome P450,也可以将电子转移到细胞色素b (Cytochrome b)、血红素加氧酶(Heme oxygenase)、脂肪酸延伸系统和包括细胞色素c (Cytochrome c)在内的外源电子受体。Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant)先将NADPH上的电子转移到FAD,再将电子从FAD转移到FMN,最后将电子从FMN转移到Cytochrome P450 [1]。Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant)基因的突变会导致一系列疾病,包括明显的P450C17和P450C21联合缺乏症、闭经和类固醇生成紊乱、先天性肾上腺增生和Antley-Bixler综合征,类似于类固醇代谢酶(如芳香酶、21-羟化酶和17α-羟化酶)缺陷引起的疾病[4]。
Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) (P450R)所催化的反应如下:
碧云天的NADPH-cytochrome P450 Reductase (P450R) SDS-PAGE电泳检测的效果请参考图1。
图1. 碧云天的Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) (P2377) SDS-PAGE电泳检测纯度的效果图。本产品经BeyoGel™ Elite PAGE预制胶(Tris-Gly, 12%, 15孔) (P0812)电泳,并使用BeyoBlueTM考马斯亮蓝超快染色液(P0017F)染色,结果如上图所示。M,Marker,为BeyoColorTM彩色预染蛋白分子量标准(10-170kD) (P0075/P0076/P0077),上样量为5μl;带有GST标签的P450R重组蛋白分子量为97.4kDa,上样量为2μg。实际检测结果可能会因样品和检测条件等的不同而存在差异,图中数据仅供参考。
碧云天Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) (P450R)活性检测效果请参考图2。
图2. 碧云天Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) (P2377)的活性检测效果图。酶活性使用Cytochrome P450 Reductase活性检测试剂盒(P2551)进行检测。A. 不同酶浓度下吸光度变化曲线。B. 以图A中酶浓度为X轴,曲线线性区域的上升斜率OD550/min为Y轴,绘制出的一条反映不同酶浓度下产物OD550上升速率的直线。实际检测效果会因实验条件、检测仪器等的不同而存在差异,图中数据仅供参考。
用途:Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant)是Cytochrome P450单加氧酶系统的关键组分,是微粒体中将电子从NADPH转移到细胞色素P450所必需的;还可以将电子转移到血红素加氧酶和细胞色素B5。
来源:纯化自携带人源POR基因(64-677aa)的E. coli重组菌株,N端带有GST标签。
活性定义: One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to reduce 1pmol of cytochrome c per minute at 25ºC in 50mM potassium phosphate, pH7.6。
纯度:>95% by SDS-PAGE,不含DNase、RNase和磷酸酯酶。
酶储存液:50mM Potassium phosphate (pH7.6 @ 25ºC), 1mM DTT, 50% glycerol。
10X Assay Buffer: 0.5M Potassium phosphate (pH7.6 @ 25ºC).
包装清单:产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2377S-1 | Cytochrome P450 Reductase (1mg/ml) | 20µl |
P2377S-2 | 10X Assay Buffer | 4ml |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2377M-1 | Cytochrome P450 Reductase (1mg/ml) | 100µl |
P2377M-2 | 10X Assay Buffer | 20ml |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2377L-1 | Cytochrome P450 Reductase (1mg/ml) | 500µl |
P2377L-2 | 10X Assay Buffer | 100ml |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2377 | Cytochrome P450 Reductase (human, recombinant) | 20µg/100µg/500μg |
P2551S | Cytochrome P450 Reductase活性检测试剂盒 | 100次 |
P0015F | SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液(6X) | 2ml |
P0017F | BeyoBlue™考马斯亮蓝超快染色液 | 250ml |
P0075 | BeyoColor™彩色预染蛋白分子量标准(10-170kD) | 200μl |
P0076 | BeyoColor™彩色预染蛋白分子量标准(10-170kD) | 600μl |
P0077 | BeyoColor™彩色预染蛋白分子量标准(10-170kD) | 3ml |
P0459 | BeyoGel™ Plus PAGE预制胶(Tris-Gly, 12%, 15孔) | 10块/50块 |
ST360 | NADPH | 10mg/50mg/200mg/1g |
ST876 | BeyoPure™ Ultrapure Water (DNase/RNase-Free, Sterile) | 100ml/500ml |
FCP962 | BeyoGold™ 96孔细胞培养板 | 50个/箱 |